P a t e r s o n N e w s : N o v e m b e r 2 1 , 1 9 6 4 Print Article | Open Image Viewer Drs. Schatz, Martin Honored by Chilean Medical Authorities A Fair Lawn doctor who discovered the antibiotic Streptomyocin, in 1943 was one of two Paterson area medical reseacher recently honored by Chilean medical authorities. Streptomycin was the first effective treatment for Tuberculosis and has saved untold lives. Dr. Albert Schatz, who has a residence at 15-02 11th Street, Fair Lawn, and who is serving as a professor at the University of Chile, was honored by four medical societies for his discovery. Dr. Joseph J. Martin, 281 Crooks Ave., who worked with Dr. Schatz in developing a new theory on dental decay, received a certificate of honor from the Dental School of the University of Chile several months ago. Was Only 23 Years Old When Dr. Schatz discovered Streptomycin he was 23 years old and a graduate student earning $40 a month while working for his Doctor of Philosophy Degree. Although he was penniless at that time, he nevertheless contributed his entire financial interest in the patents for the benefit of humanity. He subsequently claimed and won a share of the royalties only after learning that others were personally profiting from the discovery. The recent honors bestowed upon him in Chile were presented at ceremonies in the Thorax Hospital of Santiago, Chile. Dr. Schatz was awarded honorary membership in the Chilean Society for Diseases of the Thorax and Tuberculosis; the Chilean Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology; the Chilean Society for Pediatrics, and the Chilean Society for Urolgy. Guest speakers at the affair were Dr. Ramon Valdivieso, minister of health of Chile, and Don Juan Gomez Millas, minister of education. The certificates of honorary membership were presented to Dr. Schatz by the presidents of each of the societies. During the past 10 years Dr. Schatz has collaborated with Dr. Martin in developing the new Proteolysis-Chelation Theory of dental decay which has aroused world-wide interest. Acids Prevent Decay Dr. Martin explained Friday that the threory basically is opposed to the theory that acids in the mouth cause tooth decay. Dr. Martin said that the theory he and Dr. Schatz discovered basically claims that the acids prevent tooth decay. He said that the proteolysis theory claims that bacterias in the mouth break down the protein composition in enamel and causes decay. Acids, according to the theory, stop the bacteria from working. Dr. Schatz has been invited to lecture about this theory at national and international dental meetings in the United States, Chile, Sweden, England, Hungary and Italy. In addition, his publications on caries (decay) have appeared in scientific and professional journals of at least 22 countries. Authorities state that the extent of interest in the theory is unprecedented in dentistry. Dr. Martin worked on the theory with Dr. Schatz while the two were members of the staff of the National Agriculture College of Doylestown, Pa. Dr. Martin was a professor of dental research and Dr. Schatz was director. The two later worked together at the Philadelphia General Hospital. Dr. Martin explained that he worked in both institutions part time coinciding with his dental practice in Paterson. He has been a Paterson dentist since 1933. Dr. Schatz is an honorary member of the Stomatological Society of Greece and the Odontological Society of Conception of Chile. He is also a recipient of a $4,000 dental research prize from the Soil and Health Foundation.