Index of Albert Schatz's Archived Collections at Temple University
Albert Schatz's papers are archived in the Special Collections Department of Temple University,
Philadelphia, PA. Below is an index of his collections.
Box #1
Schatz Thesis: Streptomycin, an antibiotic agent produced by Acteromycetes Griseus, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. July, 1945 (PhD)
Albert Schatz Resume (undated, 1980s?)
Albert Schatz Publications: 1944-1976 (bibliography, 21 p.)
Albert Schatz Books and Articles for Newspapers and Magazines (1p. reelected list)
Albert Schatz Honorary Degrees Medals and Awards Honorary Memberships (1p. list)
Assorted Schatz publications on exhibit at Cook College on the 175th Anniversary, April 12-13, 2002 (1p. list)
Schatz’s Early Years on his grandfather’s Farm in Bozrah, CT, 1925 (variant type-script; autobiographical essay circa 1995)
Living on A Farm in Connecticut Was a Tough, Rough Life, Sylvia Kirschblum, Newtown, Conn. (author unknown; similar story to Schatz’s early years on a farm)
Schtaz’s article in the Passaic High School Newspaper – published at age 16 (student essay – published April 9, 1936 - 2p.)
Sctatz, A. “My early years on a farm, and Joffe’s influence on me at Rutgers.”
Schatz: Rutgers Undergraduate Courses 38-42 (transcript, 1p.)
Photo of Schatz, A. producing streptomycin in the basement Laboratory at Rutgers University for the first guinea pig test at the Mayo Clinic
Schatz: Graduate Course Work 6/42-7/45 (transcript, 2p.)
Schatz Notebook Summary May-Nov. 1941
Schatz Notebook Summary 6/30/43-3/15/44
Waksman letters to Schatz (in Army) 11/14/42, 2/1/43, 4/15/43, 4/14/43 in receipt of 3 cultures Schatz sent him which had Antibiotic activity
Schatz experience in World War II, Nov ’42 to June ’43 (autobiographical essay; 2003; 2p.)
Schatz/Waksman 3/31/43 Re: his study of the carrier rate of Meningococcal meningitis while he was in the army medical Laboratory
Waksman/Schatz 42, 46, 47, 48 about Schatz’s scientific work and job opportunities (Waksman’s correspondence to Schatz)
Letter from Dept. Secretary, Elizabeth Clark, to Mrs. Schatz, Albert Schatz’s Mom, Re: Schatz’s pneumonia 1/44
Letter from Ms. Hauce (Aug. 1945) Albert’s High School English Teacher
Starkey letters to Schatz (in Army) 11/18/42, 12/11/42, 4/1/43
Strain Specificity and Production of Antibiotic Substances, Waksman, Schatz, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 29, Feb. 1943
Streptomycin, a Substance Exhibiting Antibiotic Activity Against Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria, Schatz, Bugie and Waksman, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1944
Effect of Streptomycin and Other Antibiotic Substances upon Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Related Organisms, Schatz, A and Waksman, S., Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1944, (The photographs were taken by Julius Schatz, Albert’s father)
Control of Gram – Negative Bacteria in Experimental Animals by Streptomycin, Doris Jones, H.J. Metzger, A. Schatz, S. Waksman, Science, Aug. 4, 1944
Original test tubes – (Now at the Smithsonian) Schatz sealed the large test tube with S. griseous on Oct. 19, 1943 to take home to his parents. He sealed the small test tube with streptomycin on Feb. 1944 also to take to his parents. (photos, essays, and correspondence regarding streptomycin test tubes)
Isolation Antibiotic Substances from Soil Microorganism, with Special Reference to streptothicism and Streptomycin, Waksman, S, Bugie, E, and Schatz, A. Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic, Nov. 15, 1944
train Specificity and Production of Antibiotic Substances IV variations among Actimonycetes, with Special Reference to Actimomyces Griseus, Schatz, A and Waksman, S. National Academy of Science May 1945
Strain Specificity and Production of Antibiotic Substances. VI Strain Variation and Production of Streptothricin by Actinomyces Lavendulae, Waksman, S. and Schatz, A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, July, 1945.
A Review ... Streptomycin, Waksman, S. and Schatz, A. Journal of The American Pharmaceutical Association vol. VI, No. 11, November 1945
treptomycin Patent Application Waksman, S. and Schatz, A. Jan. 31, 1945
Merck to Waksman 2/14/45 Cancels 1940 contract with Waksman
Agreement between Waksman and Rutgers Research and Endowment Foundation, 2/14/45, Waksman to receive 20% of net profit from streptomycin. Schatz didn’t know about this agreement until he sued in 1950
Waksman gets all the credit for Streptomycin. Schatz is there in photo-op but no identification of Schatz in photos. Liberty Magazine June 30, 1945
Passaic Youth Discovers Drug That May Stamp Out TB July 2, 1945 The Herald News, Passaic, N.J.
The Story of Streptomycin, Its Production and Chemistry, Waksman, S. and Schatz, A. The Journal of Commerce, 4/18/46
Streptomycin – Early Ure-Free, May 6, 1946, Paterson Evening News
The History of Streptomycin, Schatz, A. 1946, N.Y. State Department of Public Health Laboratories
Schatz Attends Florey Luncheon, Passaic Herald News – Sept. 18, 1946
Letter from Sam Cohen to Schatz, 12/4/46, Re: Waksman. Cohen was the janitor in the building where Waksman and his graduate students worked.
Streptomycin articles – early ’45, ’46, ’48, ’49, '50.
Streptomycin, its Nature and Practical Application Waksman, S. Williams & Wilkins Company
Streptomycin Patent Assignment (Original), Waksman, S. and Schatz, A. 1946
New Antibiotic Fights Tuberculosis and Typhoid New York World-Telegram, May 4, 1946 (Waksman is landed. Schatz is in the picture but there is no mention of him in the text)
Streptothricin Patents Foster, J. Woodruff, B. and Waksman, S ’47, ‘48
Streptomycin Patent Sept. 21, 1948, Waksman, S. and Schatz, A.
Reprint Requests 1945
Waksman. S. Radio interview, 1945.
Joffe letters to Schatz ’46, ‘50
Letter from Dept. Secretary Elizabeth Clark to V. Schatz, Re: Waksman statement, Sept. 1947
Canadian Patent Application, Waksman, S. and Schatz, A. 1/23/46
Black Death – Streptomycin Is A Cure, 6/19/47, New York Journal American
Letter from Don Johnson, Feb. 1947
Can Streptomycin Stamp Out Tuberculosis? Women’s Home Companion, June 1947
Rutgers Press Release, Re: S. Waksman Discovers Streptomycin, April 1948
Letter from Monti Reynolds to Schatz,3/15/49, Re: Grisein
Letter from Waksman to Schatz, 8/30/48, Re: $500 check
Letter from Waksman to Schatz, 10/4/48
Letter from Waksman to Schatz, 11/16/48, Re: $500 check
Letter from Waksman to Schatz, 11/16/48, Re: Returning $500 check
Letter from Waksman to Schatz, 12/3/48, Re: Sent check again
Letter from Waksman to Schatz, 12/11/48, Re: $500 check
Internal revenue Service – Waksman gift of $1500 in 1948
Letter from Schatz to Bromberg, M., 6/2/49, Re: Waksman’s checks
Schatz as graduate student was co-author of 17 papers on antibiotics (bibliography from “The Antibiotic Era”; 4p.)
Conference on Streptomycin at Merck, in Rahway, N.J. June 20, 1945
Letter from Helyar to Schatz, 5/4/42
The Distribution of Soil Microorganisms Antagonistic to Fungi Pathogenic to Mau, Schatz, A. and Hazen, E.L. Mycologia, No. 4, 461-477, July-August 1948.
The First Report of the Treatment of Tuberculosis with Combination Chemotherapy (In Spanish), Arturo Rodriquez, Medical Journal of Chile, 76:419-425, 1948.
Some miscellaneous observations on overcoming inhibitory effects of chelating nutrients, Hutner, S.H. and Schatz, A. 49th General Meeting, Soc. Amer. Bacteriologist. Page 33, 1949
Letter from Schatz to Doris Jones (Ralston), 7/24/46, Re: His summer, the move to Albany and his plans for the future.
Streptomycin – Induced Chlorophyll-less Races of Euglena, Provasoli, L., Hutner, S., and Schatz, A. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 1948, 69, 279-282.
Box #1A
Photostats of The File Wrapper and Contents in the U.S. Patent Office in the matter of the Letters Patent for Improvement in Streptomycin and Processes of Preparation (number 2, 449, 866; granted September 21, 1948). May 27, 1953.