Albert Schat, Ph.D.
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Source: Philadelphia Jewish Advocate: c. Nov. 1953
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N.A.C. Fete for Work, Schatz Is Planned for November 9th


The Trustees of the National Agricultural College have announced that a dinner will be given on November 9, at the Hotel Warwick, in honor of Mr. James Work, President of the College, and in celebration of the founding of the Research Laboratory, under the direction of Dr. Albert Schatz, co-discoverer of Sterptomycin.

Mr. Work, a native of Philadelphia, is an alumnus of the National Farm School, which became the National Agricultural College in 1949. After graduation in 1912, he acted as director of athletics of the National Farm School.

From 1916 to 1921, Mr. Work received a varied background in drafting and engineering. In 1921 he was appointed assistant chief engineer of the Naval Air Station at Lakehurst, N. J., where he was a member of the test crew of the dirigible Shenandoah. He was responsible for many developments in dirigibles.

Headed Brewster Corp.

In 1926 Mr. Work was appointed assistant manager of the Naval Aircraft Factory in Philadelphia. Between 1926 and 1929 he also taught aviation courses at Temple University. Mr. Work was later president and chairman of the board of the Brewster Corporation. Mr. Work was elected treasurer of the college in 1943, became acting president shortly thereafter, and was elected president of the college in May, 1949. It was under his direction that the National Farm School became a junior college, and later a senior college.

Dr. Albert Schatz, who is director of research at the National Agricultural College, was born in Norwich, Connecticut on February 2, 1920. He received his elementary and grade school education in the public schools of Passaic, New Jersey. From high school he went to Rutgers University where he majored in the Research curriculum, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree. After graduating in 1942, he began his graduate work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the same college. He worked in the Department of Microbiolôgy, Rutgers University, and the New Jersey State Agricultural Experiment Station, New Brunswick, from May until November 1942. In November he was called into the Armed Forces and in June, 1943 he was given a medical discharge because of a back injury he received in an accident suffered during his work. From June, 1943 until June 1945, he resumed and completed his graduate studies, and in July, 1945 he received his degree of Doctor of Philosophy, with his major being Microbiology, and his minor Biochemistry. His thesis was entitled "Sterptomycin, An Antibiotic Substance Produced by Actinomycin, Griseus."

Dr. Schatz, co-discoverer of streptomycin, joined in the College staff in 1952, and since that time has been working on a varied assortment of important work. He also teaches a class of senior students in Veterinary Parasitology.

The committee for the Dinner includes David Levin, Chairman; Sydney K. Allrnan, Jr., Leon Berkowitz. Samuel Cooke. Mrs. Samuel Gerstley. Morris I-I. Goldman, Lester M. Goldsmith. Albert M. Greenfield, Louis A. Hirsch. Rudolph M. Hirschwald, Dr. A. Spencer Kaufman. Julius Klein, Charles Kline, Dr. Bertram W. Korn, Manfred R. Krauskopf. Leon Merz. David H. Pleet, Lee I. Robinson. Fred L. Rosenbloom, Matthew B. Rudofker, Morris W. Satinsky, Harry Shapiro. A. Irving Witz. It is expected that Mr. Albert M. Greenfield will be chairman of the Dinner, and that speakers will include Mr. Work and Dr. Schatz.