The Southern Jewish Weekly: February 12, 1954
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Schatz Wonder Drug Scientist To Receive National Recognition
By Morris J. Janoff
Dr. Albert Schatz, 33-year-old brilliant scientist of Fairview, N.
J. was honored in Seattle, Wash., by the U. S. Junior Chamber of
Commerce, as one of the 10 outstanding young Americans of 1953.
Now professor of microbiology and director of the research laboratories
at the National Agricultural College in Pennsylvania, Dr. Schatz
was co-discoverer with Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Selman Waksman of
the wonder drug, streptomycin.
An alumnus of Rutgers University, Dr. Schatz was doing graduate
work at the college in 1943 when he and Dr. Waksman discovered
streptomycin, which was born out of soil research.
Won Due Recognition
Dr. Schatz, however, had to start legal action before he received
the recognition due him. Three years ago, an out-of-court settlement
was reached between Dr. Schatz and Dr. Waksman in which Dr. Schatz
was officially acknowledged as the co-discoverer of the wonder drug
and rightfully entitled to share the royalties which is estimated
will amount to about $625,000.
When the announcement was made that Dr. Waksman was to receive the
Nobel Prize, a move was started to have the noted Rutgers University
scientist, Dr. Waksman, share the award with Dr. Schatz. It was
pointed out that in 1945, the Nobel Award was shared by Sir Alexander
Fleming, Dr. Ernest Boris Chain and Sir Howard Walter Florey as the
joint discoverers of penicillin. However, no further action was
ever taken by the Caroline Institute of the University of Stockholm,
Sweden, which makes the awards,
Spent Youth in Passaic
Dr. Schatz was born in Norwich, Conn. His parents moved to Passaic
when he was two years old. He attended Passaic public schools, was
given a religious training and was bar mitzvahed at the Adas Israel
Synagogue in Passaic.
The Schatz family resides in a newly developed section of Fair Lawn
at 15-02 - 11th St. Dr. Schatz is married to the former Vivian
Rosenfeld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosnfield, of Passaic.
Mrs. Schatz is active in Hadassah. Her father is principal of a
Clifton grammar school. Dr. Schatz' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jules
Schatz, also reside in Fair Lawn. The elder Schatz is in the
construction business.
Plans To Visit Israel
Dr. Schatz is vitally interested in the problems confronting our
people. He has a keen interest in Israel and hopes to visit the
country next year.
In his position at the National Agricultural College, Dr. Schatz
is now working on projects dealing with attempts to understand
cancer formation and new ways to control plant diseases.
He is the author and co-author of more than 53 scientific publications,
including a recent text on microbiology.
Last fall he was appointed one of six vice-presidents at the Sixth
International Congress for Microbiology held in Rome, Italy. He is
one of the youngest men ever to receive such a high honor.
After leaving Rutgers in 1946, Dr. Schatz was associated with the
New York State Health Department in Albany as a biochemist,
Sloan-Kettering Institute in New York, the Hopkins Marine Station
of Stanford University in College. He joined the staff of the
Pennsylvania Farm College in 1952.
Dr. Schatz continues to devote his life to combatting major diseases
suffered by humans and plant life so that mankind can enjoy a
healthier and longer life, more economic production of food, and
the better control of natural resources,